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Public Agents Policy

Why we need this Policy:

This is required so that when speaking in a public forum regarding the ILF we have clearly defined the authority levels granted.


To define the role of “ILF Representative”, “ILF Ambassador” and “ILF Fan”.

ILF Fans:

We greatly appreciate all who are fans of the ILF and all they do on our behalf!
We encourage ILF Fans to speak OF the ILF at every opportunity!
Peer-to-Peer fundraisers, Charitable Streaming and Social Media posts are some examples.
Any endorsement is optional from the ILF

ILF Fans do not:

  • Represent the organization in any way
  • Represent our values or standards

ILF Ambassador:

Is an individual or organization approved for this role by the Board of Directors or CEO or COO.
An ILF Ambassador has been approved to speak ABOUT our mission and organization but they do not speak FOR the ILF. An ILF Ambassador may be provided support via SWAG, Social Media, or other means at the discretion of the ILF.

All ILF Ambassadors have:

  • Been Interviewed by an ILF Representative
  • Been thoroughly investigated using OSINT methods
  • Been found to meet the high standards of excellence we expect from ourselves
  • Will need to qualify on an annual basis

ILF Ambassadors are NOT employees or volunteers, nor do they have any decision-making ability within the organization. ILF Ambassadors can lose their designation if at any time the ILF feels they fail to meet any of the aforementioned requirements.

ILF Representative:

Is an ILF Employee or Volunteer specifically approved for this role by the Board of Directors or CEO or COO.
They will speak FOR the ILF